After completing his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering and getting his PhD in Energy Engineering, Francesco has been part of the research staff of the Traf Group. He is now a technologist at the Department of Industrial Engineering.
Research Projects & Areas of Interest
Background Information

Aerodamping map for a turbine rotor row (IBPA = -90°) LarsQ3D code | 
Flow animation for a turbine rotor row (flexing vibration) LarsQ3D code | 
Aerodamping map for a turbine rotor row (IBPA = +90°) LarsQ3D code |
Francesco carries out basic and applied research in the fields of Computational Aeroelasticity (CA) and Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in turbomachines. His main interest is in the development of 3D CA/CAA/CFD time-linearized and/or non-linear inviscid/viscous solvers and their application to turbomachinery analysis. He is also focused on the optimization of parallel computational solvers on multi-core/multi-CPU High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms and on GPU-equipped platforms.
- November 2023 - present
- Technologist at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
- March 2005 - October 2023
- Member of the research staff of the Traf Group (Department of Industrial Engineering, formerly "Sergio Stecco" Department of Energy Engineering, University of Florence, Florence, Italy).
- January 2002 - December 2004
- PhD student in Energy Engineering at the "Sergio Stecco" Department of Energy Engineering, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
PhD thesis title: "Development of a time-linearized computational method with application to bladerow aeroelasticity" - January session 2002
- Italian State PE examination
- July 2001
- Laurea with honors in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
Thesis title: "Sviluppo di un risolutore per lo studio dei fenomeni aeroelastici nelle palettature di turbomacchine." ("Development of a solver for aeroelastic phenomenon analysis in turbomachinery blades") - July 1995
- High School Diploma "Maturità Scientifica" at Liceo Scientifico "G. Castelnuovo" Florence, Italy