![]() | Head of Traf GroupDepartment of Industrial Engineering
After completing his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Florence, Andrea received his PhD from the University of Bologna in 1989. During his graduate studies, he worked as a visiting researcher at NASA Langley Research Center in Virginia, USA. After his doctoral degree, he started working at NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland Ohio, as an associate researcher at the Institute for Computational Mechanics in Propulsion (ICOMP). Since 1990, he has been a member of the faculty of mechanical engineering at the University of Florence.
Prof. Arnone is presently Full Professor of Fluid Dynamics and Turbomachinery and Vice President for Technology Transfer and relations with Community ad Industry at the University of Florence. He served as director of the “Sergio Stecco” Department of Energy Engineering from 2003 to 2009 and director of the Department of Industrial Engineering from 2013 to 2015.
As head of the Traf Group, his research involves the use of computational fluid dynamics with a special focus on turbomachinery design and analysis. He has developed two- and three-dimensional codes (Traf) which are currently used by several industries and research centers. He is an ASME member and has served on the IGTI Turbomachinery Committee since 1992.
Prof. Arnone is also President of the Foundation for Research and Innovation in Florence and Technical Coordinator of ICAD (International Consortium for Advanced Design). He has collaborated on the design and optimization of various racing yachts including two America’s Cup campaigns.
Research Projects & Areas of Interest
Andrea is head of T-Group at the Deprtment of industrial Engineering at the University of Florence. He carries out basic and applied research in the field of turbomachinery and aerospace propulsion. His goal is to develop the Traf solver to support advanced and innovative turbomachinery design and flow physics investigation. Andrea is also involved in the development of racing yachts design.
Fluid Dynamics
2000 Full Professor at the University of Florence
1998 Associate Professor at the University of Florence
1990 Assistant Professor at the University of Florence (tenure received in 1994)
1989 Associate Researcher at the Institute for Computational Mechanics in Propulsion (ICOMP), NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA
1989 Doctoral Degree from University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Thesis Title: "Internal Flows in Turbomachinery: Numerical Sulution."
1988 Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Computer Applications in Sience and Engineering (ICASE), NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA
1985 Laurea with honors in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florence, Florence, Italy. Thesis title:" Simulation of Unsteady Transonic Flows Using the Small Perturbation Theory."