![]() | Associate ProfessorDepartment of Industrial Engineering
Research Projects & Areas of Interest
He has been involved in the following European Community Research Projects:
APPACET (Assessment of Physical Process and Code Evaluation for Turbomachinery flows, 1998-2000)
EEFAE (Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Aero Engine, 2000-2004)
VITAL (Environmentally Friendly Aero Engine, 2005-2009)
TATMo (Turbulence and Transition Modeling for Special Turbomachinery Applications, 2006-2009)
DREAM (Validation of Radical Engine Architecture Systems, 2008-2011).
FACTOR (Full Aero-thermal Combustor-Turbine interactiOn Research, 2010-2014).
ITURB (Optimal High-Lift Turbine Blade Aero-Mechanical Design, 2012-2014), CLEAN SKY - SAGE2.
RECORD (Research on Core Noise Reduction, 2013-2016).
ENOVAL (Engine Module Validators, 2013-2017)
FLEXTURBINE (Flexible Fossil Power Plants for the Future Energy Market through new and advanced Turbine Technologies, 2016-2019).
TURBO-REFLEX (TURBOmachinery REtrofits enabling FLEXible back-up capacity for the transition of the European energy system, 2017-2020).
ARIAS (Advanced Research Into Aeromechanical Solutions, 2018-2022)
Research Database:
University of Florence home page:
November 1st 2020
Associate Professor of Fluid Machinery (L.240/10) at the Dept. of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence. (09/C1 ING-IND/08)
November 1st 2017 - October 31st 2020
Assistant Professor Contract (art 24 c.3-b L.240/10) at the Dept. of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence. (09/C1 ING-IND/08)
Moving Bars in Front of a Cascade |