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Arnone A, Carnevale E A, Marconcini M.  1997.  Grid Dependency Study for the NASA Rotor 37 Compressor Blade. ASME 1997 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. 1: Aircraft Engine; Marine; Turbomachinery; Microturbines and Small Turbomachinery:pp.V001T03A056;(9pages).
Arnone A, Pacciani R.  1997.  Numerical Prediction of Trailing Edge Wake Shedding. ASME Turbo Expo.
June 2–5, Orlando, FL, USA, ASME paper 97-GT-89
Arnone A, Pacciani R.  1996.  Numerical Investigation on Wake Shedding in a Turbine Rotor Blade. 15th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics. :358–363.
24-28 June, Monterey, CA, USA
Arnone A, Pacciani R.  1996.  Rotor-Stator Interaction Analysis Using the Navier-Stokes Equations and a Multigrid Method. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 118(4):679–689.
Arnone A, Carnevale E A, Marconcini M.  1996.  Sul Calcolo Viscoso nei Compressori Assiali Transonici. Convegno Turbomacchine '96 – Conference Proceedings. :147–157.
11-12 Luglio, Genova, Italy
Ameri AA, Arnone A.  1996.  Transition Modeling Effects on Turbine Rotor Blade Heat Transfer Predictions. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 118(2):307–313.
Ameri AA, Arnone A.  1996.  Transition Modeling Effects on Turbine Rotor Blade Heat Transfer Predictions. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 118(2):307–313.
Arnone A, Pacciani R, Gebendinger M, Francini S.  1994.  Numerical Characterization of a Kaplan Turbine Using a Three-Dimensional Viscous Solver. Modelling, Testing & Monitoring for Hydro Powerplants Meeting, Hydropower & Dams.
Budapest, Hungary, July
Ameri AA, Arnone A.  1994.  Prediction of Turbine Blade Passage Heat Transfer Using a Zero and a Two–Equation Turbulence Model. ASME Turbo Expo.
The Hague, The Netherlands, June 13–16, ASME paper 94–GT–122
Ameri AA, Arnone A.  1994.  Prediction of Turbine Blade Passage Heat Transfer Using a Zero and a Two–Equation Turbulence Model. ASME Turbo Expo.
The Hague, The Netherlands, June 13–16, ASME paper 94–GT–122
Arnone A, Benvenuti E.  1994.  Three–Dimensional Navier–Stokes Analysis of a Two–Stage Gas Turbine. ASME Turbo Expo.
The Hague, The Netherlands, June 13–16, ASME paper 94–GT–88
Arnone A.  1994.  Viscous Analysis of Three–Dimensional Rotor Flow Using a Multigrid Method. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 116(3):435–445.
Facchini B, De Lucia M, Arnone A.  1993.  Misure di Distorsione di Flusso in una Pompa Centrifuga. MIS-MAC II, Metodi di Sperimentazione nelle Macchine.
Firenze, Italy, 5, November
Arnone A, Liou MS, Povinelli LA.  1993.  Multigrid Calculation of Three–Dimensional Viscous Cascade Flows. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 9(4):605–614.
Arnone A, Liou MS, Povinelli LA.  1993.  Multigrid Time-Accurate Integration of Navier–Stokes Equations. 11th AIAA CFD Conference.
July, Orlando, FL, USA, AIAA paper 93-3361-CP (NASA TM-106373, ICOMP-93-37)
Arnone A, Swanson RC.  1993.  A Navier–Stokes Solver for Turbomachinery Applications. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 115(2):305–313.
Steinthorsson E, Liou MS, Povinelli LA, Arnone A.  1993.  Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Laminar Flow Over a Backward Facing Step; Flow Near Side Walls. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Conference, Symposium on Separated Flows. 149:19-26.
Washington, D.C., June 20-24 (NASA TM-106248, ICOMP-93-21)
Turkel E, Arnone A.  1993.  Pseudo-Compressibility Methods for the Incompressible Flow Equations. 11th AIAA CFD Conference.
July, Orlando, FL, USA, AIAA paper 93-3361, (NASA CR 191533, ICASE-93-66)
Arnone A, Facchini B, Carcasci C.  1993.  Valutazione e Confronto di Alcune Tecniche Refrigerative nelle Palettature Statoriche di Turbine a Gas. VII Convegno Nazionale Gruppi Combinati Prospettive Tecniche ed Economiche.
Milano, Italy, 21-22, October
Arnone A, Liou MS, Povinelli LA.  1992.  Navier–Stokes Solution of Transonic Cascade Flow Using Non–Periodic C–Type Grids. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 8(2):410–417.
Ameri AA, Arnone A.  1992.  Navier–Stokes Turbine Heat Transfer Predictions Using Two–Equation Turbulence Closures. 28th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference.
July 6–8, Nashville, TN, USA. AIAA paper 92–3067 (NASA TM 105817, ICOMP-92-14)
