Numerical Investigation of Wake–Shock Interactions and Clocking in a Transonic HP Turbine

TitleNumerical Investigation of Wake–Shock Interactions and Clocking in a Transonic HP Turbine
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsMarconcini M, Pacciani R
Conference NameASME Turbo Expo
Volume6: Turbo Expo 2003, Parts A and B
Conference LocationAtlanta, GA, USA, June 16–19
ISBN Number0-7918-3689-4
Other NumbersScopus 2-s2.0-0346964178
KeywordsClocking, Wake-Shock Interaction

A quasi-three-dimensional, blade-to-blade, time-accurate, viscous solver was used for the clocking optimization of a modern transonic heavy-duty, two stage gas turbine. Both stators and rotors operate in a transonic regime with fish-tail shock systems at the blade row exit. These shock systems interact with both stator and rotor wakes. A sensible reduction in the strength of shock waves was observed due to the upstream blade row wake passing. Such wake-shock interactions occur in the inter-blade gap, around locations which are fixed in the frame of reference of the downstream blade-row. The exploitation of such an effect to optimize the axial/circumferential position of blade rows is still compatible with the axial gap values commonly used for these kinds of stages. The results of the clocking investigation will be presented and discussed in terms of unsteady blade loading and efficiency variations.


ASME paper 2003–GT–38401

Refereed DesignationRefereed