Analysis of Measured and Predicted Turbine Maps From Start-Up to Design Point

TitleAnalysis of Measured and Predicted Turbine Maps From Start-Up to Design Point
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsScotti Del Greco A, Biagiotti S, Michelassi V, Jurek T, Di Benedetto D, Francini S, Marconcini M
Conference NameASME Turbo Expo 2020 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition
Volume2B: Turbomachinery
Date Published09/2020
Conference LocationVirtual Event, September 21-25, 2020
ISBN Number978-0-7918-8407-2
Other NumbersScopus 2-s2.0-85099755555


This paper describes a coupled experimental and CFD campaign conducted on a 1.5 intermediate turbine stage in the full range of operating conditions, from start-up to design point under variable expansion ratio and physical speed. The test maintains engine similitude conditions and allows direct comparison with CFD data to assess the predictions accuracy. The choice of variables to describe the speedlines is also addressed by using both measured and predicted data. A discussion on velocity ratio versus corrected speed illustrates the advantages of the former parameter the adoption of which produces constant shape curves in a very wide range of operating conditions. The comparison between measurements and predictions suggests that CFD, in conjunction with performance correlations, is a viable tool to predict speedlines in a fairly wide range of conditions, provided that geometrical and operational details are carefully matched.


ASME paper GT2020-15484

Refereed DesignationRefereed