
Found 67 results
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Journal Article
Giaccherini S, Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A.  2023.  Validation of an Analytical Model for the Acoustic Impedance Eduction of Multi-Cavity Resonant Liners by a High-Fidelity LES Approach. ASME J. Turbomach.. 145(8):081002.
Pinelli L, Lori F, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A.  2021.  Validation of a Modal Work Approach for Forced Response Analysis of Bladed Disks. Applied Sciences. 11(12):5437.
Bottarelli T, Fanfani M, Nesi P, Pinelli L.  Submitted.  Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Solving Navier-Stokes Equations in Complex Scenarios. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
Bandini A, Bettini C, Peruzzi L, Caretta M, Canelli C, Marconcini M, Pinelli L, Arnone A.  2025.  Targeting Full-Hydrogen Operation on Industrial-Scale Gas Turbines: Impact of Unconventional Fuels on Turbine Module Performance and Aeromechanics. ASME J Turbomach. 147(7):071008.
Pinelli L, Amedei A, Meli E, Vanti F, Romani B, Benvenuti G, Fabbrini M, Morganti N, Rindi A, Arnone A.  2022.  Innovative Design, Structural Optimization and Additive Manufacturing of New-Generation Turbine Blades. ASME J. Turbomach.. 144(1):011006.
Batisti M, Pinelli L, Toni L, Guglielmo A, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2025.  Innovative Cavity Modeling for Centrifugal Compressors Aeromechanical Analysis. ASME J Turbomach. 147(4):041015.
Bandini A, Cascino A, Meli E, Pinelli L, Marconcini M.  2024.  Improving Aeromechanical Performance of Compressor Rotor Blisk With Topology Optimization. Energies. 17(8):1883.
Pinelli L, Giannini G, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2024.  The Impact of the Off-Design Conditions on the Entropy Wave Interaction With a High-Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME J. Turbomach.. 146(4):041003.
Pinelli L, Burberi C, Ignesti M, Michelassi V, Tapinassi L, Abati A, Pacciani R.  2023.  Forced response in a multi-stage aeroderivative axial compressor with acoustic excitations: Method validation with field data. Aerospace Science and Technology. 138
Sláma V, Rudas B, Eret P, Tsymbalyuk V, Ira J, Macalka A, Pinelli L, Vanti F, Arnone A, Lo Balbo A A.  2018.  Experimental and Numerical Study of Controlled Flutter Testing in a Linear Turbine Blade Cascade. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Vol 20 Turbomachines 2018:98-107.
Bessone A, Carassale L, Guida R, Kubin Z, Lo Balbo A A, Marrè Bruneghi M, Pinelli L.  2018.  Experimental and Numerical Assessment of a Downscaled Steam Turbine Last Stage Blade Damping at Low Load Operation. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Vol 20 Turbomachines 2018:16-28.
Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2023.  The Effects of Swirling Flows in Entropy Wave Convection Through High Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME J. Turbomach.. 145(3):031004.
Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Bake F, Knobloch K, Gaetani P, Persico G.  2022.  Effect of Clocking on Entropy Noise Generation Within an Aeronautical High Pressure Turbine Stage. J.Sound Vib.. 529(116900)
Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Gaetani P, Persico G.  2021.  Computational and Experimental Study of the Unsteady Convection of Entropy Waves Within a High Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME J. Turbomach.. 143(9)
Gaetani P, Persico G, Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R.  2020.  Computational and Experimental Study of Hot Streak Transport Within the First Stage of a Gas Turbine. ASME J. Turbomach.. 142(8):081102(11pages).
Conference Proceedings
Pinelli L, Poli F, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Spano E, Torzo D.  2011.  Validation of a 3D Linearized Method for Turbomachinery Tone Noise Analysis. ASME Turbo Expo. 7: Turbomachinery, Parts A, B, and C :1033-1042.
ASME paper GT2011-45886
Pinelli L, Giannini G, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2024.  Understanding Entropy Wave Evolution in High-Pressure Turbines: The Role of Hot Spot Position and Features. ASME Turbo Expo 2024 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 12D: Turbomachinery:V12DT36A015.
Pinelli L, Malcaus M, Giannini G, Marconcini M.  Submitted.  Some Experiences About the RANS Modeling of UHBR Fan: The Case of ECL5/CATANA. 16th European Turbomachinery Conference ETC16.
Pinelli L, Poli F, Arnone A, D’Ettole A G, Rosso E, Sartor G, Kharyton V.  2024.  The Role of Operating Conditions on Flutter Instability of a Low-Pressure Turbine Rotor. ASME Turbo Expo 2024 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 10A: Structures and Dynamics:V10AT21A014.
Giaccherini S, Mariotti F, Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Bianchini A.  2020.  On the Prospects of Improving the Numerical Analysis of Symmetric Airfoils at Low Reynolds Numbers and High Angles of Attack by a LES Approach: The Case of NACA0021 Profile. 75th National ATI Congress – #7 Clean Energy for all (ATI 2020). E3S Web Conf. Volume 197:08015(12).
Biagiotti S, Pinelli L, Poli F, Vanti F, Pacciani R.  2018.  Numerical Study of Flutter Stabilization in Low Pressure Turbine Rotor with Intentional Mistuning. ATI 2018 - 73rd Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association.. Energy Procedia 148:98-105.
Pinelli L, Lilli L, Arnone A, Gaetani P, Persico G.  2020.  Numerical Study of Entropy Wave Evolution within a HPT Stage. 75th National ATI Congress – #7 Clean Energy for all (ATI 2020). E3S Web Conf. Volume 197:11011(12).
Burberi C, Ghignoni E, Pinelli L, Marconcini M.  2018.  Numerical Analysis of Direct and Indirect Noise Produced by a High Pressure Turbine Stage. ATI 2018 - 73rd Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association. Energy Procedia 148:130-137.
Pinelli L, Arnone A, Peruzzi L, Bettini C, Finzel C, Kellerer R.  2023.  Mistuning Strategy on Long Blades to Mitigate Flutter. ASME Turbo Expo 2023 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 11A: Structures and Dynamics
Pinelli L, Poli F, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Schipani C, Spano E, Torzo D.  2011.  A Linearized Method for Tone Noise Generation and Propagation Analysis in a Multistage Contra-Rotating Turbine. 9th European Turbomachinery Conference (ETC9). :1253–1263.
Istanbul, Turkey, 21-25 March 2011
