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Journal Article
Marconcini M, Rubechini F, Pacciani R, Arnone A, Bertini F.  2012.  Redesign of High-Lift Low Pressure Turbine Airfoils For Low Speed Testing. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 134(5):051017.
Rubechini F, Schneider A, Arnone A, Cecchi S, Malavasi F.  2011.  A Redesign Strategy to Improve the Efficiency of a 17-Stage Steam Turbine. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 134(3):031021.
Giovannini M, Rubechini F, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Bertini F.  2019.  Reducing Secondary Flow Losses in Low-Pressure Turbines: The “Snaked” Blade. Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power. 4(3):28.
Ricci M, Mosele S G, Benvenuto M, Astrua P, Pacciani R, Marconcini M.  2022.  Retrofittable Solutions Capability for Gas Turbine Compressors. Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power. 7(1):3.
Giovannini M, Marconcini M, Rubechini F, Arnone A, Bertini F.  2016.  Scaling Three-Dimensional Low-Pressure Turbine Blades for Low-Speed Testing. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 138(11):111001-1-9.
Giovannini M, Rubechini F, Marconcini M, Simoni D, Yepmo V, Bertini F.  2018.  Secondary Flows in Low-Pressure Turbines Cascades: Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Impact of the Inner Part of the Boundary Layer. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 140:111002(12pages).
Rubechini F, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Scotti Del Greco A, Biagi R.  2013.  Special Challenges in the Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Transonic Turbo-Expanders. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 135:102701.
ASME paper GT2013-95554
Ricci M, Pacciani R, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2021.  State-of-the-Art Throughflow Analysis of Multistage Turbines by Exploiting CFD Methods. La Termotecnica. 6:72-77.
Riccietti E, Bellucci J, Checcucci M, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2018.  Support Vector Machine Classification Applied to the Parametric Design of Centrifugal Pumps. Engineering Optimization. 50(8):1304-1324.
Marconcini M, Bianchini A, Checcucci M, Ferrara G, Arnone A, Ferrari L, Biliotti D, Rubino D T.  2017.  A Three-Dimensional Time-Accurate Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of the Flow Field Inside a Vaneless Diffuser During Rotating Stall Conditions. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 139(2):021001.
