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Journal Article
Burberi C, Michelassi V, Scotti Del Greco A, Lorusso S, Tapinassi L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R.  2020.  Validation of Steady and Unsteady CFD Strategies in the Design of Axial Compressors for Gas Turbine Engines. Aerospace Science and Technology. 107:106307.
Giaccherini S, Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A.  2023.  Validation of an Analytical Model for the Acoustic Impedance Eduction of Multi-Cavity Resonant Liners by a High-Fidelity LES Approach. ASME J. Turbomach.. 145(8):081002.
Pinelli L, Lori F, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A.  2021.  Validation of a Modal Work Approach for Forced Response Analysis of Bladed Disks. Applied Sciences. 11(12):5437.
Arnone A, Marconcini M, Pacciani R.  1999.  On the Use of Dual Time Stepping in Unsteady Turbomachinery Flow Calculations. Ercoftac Bulletin on Turbomachinery. 42:37–42.
Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A.  2015.  Transition Modelling Implications in the CFD Analysis of a Turbine Nozzle Vane Cascade Tested Over a Range of Mach and Reynolds Numbers. Journal of Thermal Science. 24(6):526-534.
Akolekar H, Waschkowski F, Zhao Y, Pacciani R, Sandberg R.  2021.  Transition Modeling for Low Pressure Turbines Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Driven Machine Learning. Energies. 14(15):4680.
Ricci M, Pacciani R, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2021.  State-of-the-Art Throughflow Analysis of Multistage Turbines by Exploiting CFD Methods. La Termotecnica. 6:72-77.
Arnone A, Pacciani R.  1996.  Rotor-Stator Interaction Analysis Using the Navier-Stokes Equations and a Multigrid Method. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 118(4):679–689.
Ricci M, Mosele S G, Benvenuto M, Astrua P, Pacciani R, Marconcini M.  2022.  Retrofittable Solutions Capability for Gas Turbine Compressors. Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power. 7(1):3.
Pacciani R, Fang Y, Metti L, Marconcini M, Sandberg RD.  2024.  A Reformulation of the Laminar Kinetic Energy Model to Enable Multi-Mode Transition Predictions.. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. s10494-024-00590-y
Marconcini M, Rubechini F, Pacciani R, Arnone A, Bertini F.  2012.  Redesign of High-Lift Low Pressure Turbine Airfoils For Low Speed Testing. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 134(5):051017.
Pacciani R, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Bertini F.  2014.  Predicting High-Lift Low-Pressure Turbine Cascades Flows Using Transition-Sensitive Turbulence Closures. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 136(5):051007.
Arnone A, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Schipani C, Spano E.  2002.  Numerical Investigation of Airfoil Clocking in a Three-Stage Low Pressure Turbine. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 124:61–68.
Arnone A, Pacciani R, Sestini A.  1995.  Multigrid Computations of Unsteady Rotor–Stator Interaction Using the Navier–Stokes Equations. Journal of Fluids Engineering. 117(4):647–652.
Pichler R, Zhao Y, Sandberg R, Michelassi V, Pacciani R, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2019.  Large-Eddy Simulation and RANS Analysis of the End-Wall Flow in a Linear Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade, Part I: Flow and Secondary Vorticity Fields Under Varying Inlet Condition. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 141(12):121005(10pages).
Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A, Michelassi V, Pichler R, Zhao Y, Sandberg R.  2019.  Large Eddy Simulation and RANS Analysis of the End-Wall Flow in a Linear Low-Pressure-Turbine Cascade - Part II: Loss Generation. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 141(5):051004(9pages).
Akolekar H, Zhao Y, Sandberg R, Pacciani R.  2021.  Integration of Machine Learning and Computational Fluid Dynamics to Develop Turbulence Models for Improved Low-Pressure Turbine Wake Mixing Prediction. ASME J. Turbomach.. 143(12):121001.
Pacciani R, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Bertini F, Spano E, Rosa Taddei S, Sandberg RD.  2024.  Improvements in the Prediction of Steady and Unsteady Transition and Mixing in Low Pressure Turbines by Means of Machine-Learnt Closures. ASME J. Turbomach.. 146(5):051009.
Pinelli L, Giannini G, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2024.  The Impact of the Off-Design Conditions on the Entropy Wave Interaction With a High-Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME J. Turbomach.. 146(4):041003.
Ricci M, Benvenuto M, Mosele S G, Pacciani R, Marconcini M.  2022.  Impact of Compressor Flexibility Improvements on Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine for Minimum and Base Load Conditions. Energies. 15(20):7546.
Arnone A, Pacciani R.  1998.  IGV-Rotor Interaction Analysis in a Transonic Compressor Using the Navier–Stokes Equations. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 120(1):143–155.
Pinelli L, Burberi C, Ignesti M, Michelassi V, Tapinassi L, Abati A, Pacciani R.  2023.  Forced response in a multi-stage aeroderivative axial compressor with acoustic excitations: Method validation with field data. Aerospace Science and Technology. 138
Fang Y, Reissmann M, Pacciani R, Zhao Y, Ooi ASH, Marconcini M, Akolekar HD, Sandberg RD.  Submitted.  Exploiting a Transformer Architecture to Simultaneous Development of Transition and Turbulence Models for Turbine Flow Predictions. ASME J Turbomach.
Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2023.  The Effects of Swirling Flows in Entropy Wave Convection Through High Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME J. Turbomach.. 145(3):031004.
Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Bake F, Knobloch K, Gaetani P, Persico G.  2022.  Effect of Clocking on Entropy Noise Generation Within an Aeronautical High Pressure Turbine Stage. J.Sound Vib.. 529(116900)
