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Arnone A, Poli F, Schipani C.  2003.  A Method to Assess Flutter Stability of Complex Modes. 10th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines (ISUAAAT).
September 7–11, Durham, NC, USA
Arnone A, Marconcini M, Rubechini F, Schneider A, Alba G.  2009.  Kaplan Turbine Performance Prediction Using CFD: an Artificial Neural Network Approach. HYDRO 2009 Conference Proceedings.
Lyon, France, 26-28 October 2009, paper n.263
Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A.  2010.  URANS Predictions of the Effects of Synthetic Jets on the Separated, Transitional Flow Over a Low-Pressure-Turbine-Like Flat Plate. ASME Turbo Expo. 7: Turbomachinery, Parts A, B and C:2605–2613.
ASME paper GT2010-23297
Bellucci J, Rubechini F, Arnone A, Arcangeli L, Maceli N, Dossena V.  2012.  Optimization of a High-Pressure Steam Turbine Stage for a Wide Flow Coefficient Range. ASME Turbo Expo 2012: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. 6: Oil and Gas Applications; Concentrating Solar Power Plants; Steam Turbines; Wind Energy:615-625.
ASME paper GT2012-69529.
Pacciani R, Rubechini F, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Cecchi S, Daccà F.  2016.  A CFD-Based Throughflow Method With An Adaptive Formulation For The S2 Streamsurface. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 230(1):16-28.
Gatti G, Gaetani P, Paradiso B, Dossena V, Arcangeli L, Maceli N, Bellucci J.  2016.  An Experimental Study of the Aerodynamic Forcing Function in a 1.5 Steam Turbine Stage. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 8: Microturbines, Turbochargers and Small Turbomachines; Steam Turbines:V008T26A020;9pages.
Barreca P, Pinelli L, Vanti F, Arnone A.  2018.  Aeroelastic Investigation of a Transonic Compressor Rotor with Multi-Row Effects. ATI 2018 - 73rd Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association. Energy Procedia 148:58-65.
Barreca P, Pinelli L, Vanti F, Arnone A.  2018.  Aeroelastic Investigation of a Transonic Compressor Rotor with Multi-Row Effects. ATI 2018 - 73rd Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association. Energy Procedia 148:58-65.
Burberi C, Ghignoni E, Pinelli L, Marconcini M.  2018.  Numerical Analysis of Direct and Indirect Noise Produced by a High Pressure Turbine Stage. ATI 2018 - 73rd Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association. Energy Procedia 148:130-137.
Biagiotti S, Pinelli L, Poli F, Vanti F, Pacciani R.  2018.  Numerical Study of Flutter Stabilization in Low Pressure Turbine Rotor with Intentional Mistuning. ATI 2018 - 73rd Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association.. Energy Procedia 148:98-105.
Ricci M, Pacciani R, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2018.  Secondary flow and radial mixing modelling for CFD-based Through-Flow method: an axial turbine application. ATI 2018 - 73rd Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association. Energy Procedia 148:218-225.
Riccietti E, Bellucci J, Checcucci M, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2018.  Support Vector Machine Classification Applied to the Parametric Design of Centrifugal Pumps. Engineering Optimization. 50(8):1304-1324.
Cozzi L, Rubechini F, Giovannini M, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Schneider A, Astrua P.  2019.  Capturing Radial Mixing in Axial Compressors With Computational Fluid Dynamics. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 141(3):031012(9pages).
Pacciani R, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2019.  Comparison of the AUSM+-up and Other Advection Schemes for Turbomachinery Applications. Shock Waves. 29(5):705-716.
Pacciani R, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2019.  Comparison of the AUSM+-up and Other Advection Schemes for Turbomachinery Applications. Shock Waves. 29(5):705-716.
Ricci M, Pacciani R, Marconcini M, Macelloni P, Cecchi S, Bettini C.  2019.  Computational Fluid Dynamics-Based Throughflow Analysis of Transonic Flows in Steam Turbines. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 141(11):111005(7pages).
Cavazzini A, Campobasso MS, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A.  2019.  Harmonic balance Navier-Stokes analysis of tidal stream turbine wave loads. Recent Advances in CFD for Wind and​ Tidal Offshore Turbines. :pp37-49.
Pinelli L, Vanti F, Arnone A, Bessling B, Vogt D.  2019.  Influence of tip shroud modeling on the flutter stability of a low pressure turbine rotor. ASME Turbo Expo 2019. Volume 7A: Structures and Dynamics:V07AT36A012.
ASME paper GT2019-91204
Bellucci J, Peruzzi L, Arnone A, Arcangeli L, Maceli N.  2019.  Numerical and Experimental Aerodynamic Investigation of Low Pressure Steam Turbine Module. ASME Turbo Expo 2019. Volume 8: Microturbines, Turbochargers, and Small Turbomachines; Steam Turbines:V008T29A024.
ASME paper GT2019-91279
Giovannini M, Rubechini F, Amato G, Arnone A, Simoni D, Yepmo V, Satta F, Bertini F.  2019.  Reducing Secondary Flow Losses in Low-Pressure Turbines With Blade Fences. Part II: Experimental Validation on Linear Cascades. ASME Turbo Expo 2019. Volume 2B: Turbomachinery:V02BT40A021.
ASME paper GT2019-91284
Rubechini F, Giovannini M, Arnone A, Simoni D, Bertini F.  2019.  Reducing Secondary Flow Losses in Low-Pressure Turbines With Blade Fences. Part I: Design in an Engine-Like Environment. ASME Turbo Expo 2019. Volume 2B: Turbomachinery:V02BT40A020.
ASME paper GT2019-91280
